Drop-off glass recycling is available in more than a dozen Pennsylvania communities. Options include a Traveling Glass Bin that visits five counties, 15 permanent drop-off sites in Southwestern PA, and the first permanent drop-off site in Southeastern PA (Delaware County).
Glass is the most recyclable material we generate in our homes, and drop-off captures 99% of glass, ensuring it moves from bottle to bottle. To learn more about the benefits of drop-off glass recycling, read Don’t Trash Glass.
Many residents ask PRC: how do I bring glass recycling to my community?
Let’s first explore the differences between PRC’s Traveling Glass Bin and a permanent glass recycling site.
Ethan Woodfill
Glass Program Coordinator
The Traveling Glass Bin is a “rental” of PRC’s glass collection container with maintenance and hauling services included. It’s a temporary glass recycling infrastructure that a community can invest in for a modest fee. This turnkey program can be booked for a single appearance or on a recurring schedule such as quarterly. PRC coordinates site identification, container delivery and transportation of material.
During daylight hours, individuals can drop off glass bottles, jars and jugs of all colors with no color sorting required.
Since 2020, the Traveling Glass Bin has visited dozens and dozens of locations, including engagements at all nine Allegheny County Parks on an annual basis.
A permanent glass bin is a solution for municipalities that want uninterrupted access to drop-off glass recycling.
In many instances, the need for a permanent site is identified due to the success of a Traveling Glass Bin appearance! For example, Haverford Township in Delaware County collected 15,000 pounds of glass during its summer-long Traveling Glass Bin engagement. Residents were excited about the program, and the township worked with PRC to keep the bin on site permanently.
Make your voice heard!
Let your local leaders know you and your neighbors want access to drop-off glass recycling so your bottles, jars and jugs stay on the shelves in Pennsylvania.
Share your opinion with your municipality. It can be as easy as personalizing and sending our sample letter below.
To Whom it May Concern:
I am a resident of (Town Name) and I believe it would be useful to the municipality and its residents to try out the Pennsylvania Resources Council’s Traveling Glass Bin. The Traveling Glass Bin is a great way to provide drop-off, source-separated glass recycling as an option for residents. It is a turnkey program with all logistics and education handled by PRC, and it can be rented for weeks or months at a time.
While curbside glass recycling only captures a portion of deposited glass for recycling – and often glass obtained via single-stream recycling is used as alternative daily cover in landfills rather than being sent a glass manufacturing plant — source-separated glass recycling in designated bins captures nearly 100%. The glass is turned back into a bottle, jar or jug and can return to store shelves in as little as 30 days. The municipality can also report this tonnage to the state to receive money on its Recycling Performance Grant.
For more information, I recommend you visit prc.org/glass or email glass@prc.org.
Thank you, Your Name
CLICK HERE to learn more about PRC’s glass recycling program
CLICK HERE to watch PRC’s “Faces of Glass” video featuring those who collect, transport, process and manufacture glass bottles, jars and jugs
CLICK HERE to check out our “We Recycle Glass” zine featuring the history of PA glassmaking, options for finding recycling locations, a glass glossary, and a snapshot of a bottle’s journey from recycling bin back to store shelf
CLICK HERE to read PRC blog DON’T TRASH GLASS: Options for Recycling Glass Bottles, Jars and Jugs
On a day-to-day basis, Ethan works to divert glass from landfills, support local jobs and build a more circular economy in PA. He oversees the establishment of permanent recycling sites and schedules PRC’s Traveling Glass Recycling Bin in collaboration with municipal and community partners. In his free time, Ethan enjoys hiking, photography, cooking and music.
Ethan standing in front of green cullet (recycled glass) at CAP Glass’ Mt. Pleasant facility.
This cullet is sent off to glass manufacturers including Owens-Illinois in Brockway, PA.