All About Glass Recycling!

Why Recycle Glass?

Glass is being removed as an “acceptable” material in single-stream residential curbside recycling programs throughout Western PA and across the nation. However, it is important to know that glass is still one of the most recyclable materials we generate in our homes and should not be trashed.

Glass bottles and jars are 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without any loss in purity or quality.

Recycled glass containers are always needed because glass manufacturers require high-quality recycled container glass to meet market demand for new glass containers1 .

Glass containers returned for recycling can be made into new glass bottles and jars that constitute up to 95% recycled content2.

Your glass bottles and jars can go from your recycling bin to the store shelf in as little as 30 days3.

1 ton of carbon dioxide is reduced for every 6 tons of recycled container glass used in manufacturing3.

Statistical sources:
¹ Glass Packaging Institute
² CAP Glass
³ Glass Recycling Coalition

  • Drop-off glass collection programs have proven to yield significant volumes of high-quality materials to the glass recycling industry. Drop off collections treat the discarded glass as a commodity and prevent the contamination inherent in single-stream collection systems.
  • Continuing to put glass in your curbside recycling bin when instructed not to may result in rejected loads at material recovery facilities or the glass may be used as landfill cover. To ensure your glass is being recycled properly, please participate in PRC’s Glass Recycling Collection Events.

  • Pennsylvania is home to three glass mills that depend on our recycled glass bottles and jars as the raw material to produce glass containers. In addition, several other glass mills operate in neighboring states resulting in one of the strongest markets for glass recycling in North America.
  • PRC will ship all collected glass to our partner CAP Glass who will prepare it to the mill specifications. This glass will be used to make beer and liquor bottles, pickle and mayonnaise jars and many other consumer products.
  • These mills are located in: Brockway, PA – Zanesville, OH – Crenshaw, PA – Port Allegany, PA – Toana, VA and Winston Salem, NC.
  • Your glass recycling efforts at drop-off centers and events directly support these businesses and jobs vital to our region.

The Traveling Glass Bin is a temporary bin rental that municipalities can schedule for residents. It is also a great way to gauge resident interest in drop-off glass recycling.

Permanent glass bins are another option for municipalities for uninterrupted access to glass recycling.

Contact PRC to schedule a traveling glass bin or for more information. We also provide technical assistance to help municipalities improve access to high-quality drop-off glass recycling.


Lending a voice to the success of glass recycling in western Pennsylvania are the “Faces of Glass” – those who collect, transport, process and manufacture glass bottles, jars and jugs – featured in PRC’s new video.

Watch Now!

The companion zine, We Recycle Glass in SW Pennsylvania, showcases the “Faces of Glass” as well as the history of PA glassmaking, options for finding recycling locations, a glass glossary, and a snapshot of a bottle’s journey from recycling bin back to store shelf.