Annual Contest Turns Art Into Environmental Action
The Pennsylvania Resources Council invites student and adult amateur photographers from the around the state to be part of the 35th annual Lens on Litter Contest designed to highlight and demonstrate the impacts of litter on the environment and scenic qualities of the Commonwealth.
“The Lens on Litter Contest provides photographers across the state the opportunity to use their artform to bring attention to what is all too often ignored: the very real impacts of litter,” said Justin Stockdale, Managing Director of the Pennsylvania Resources Council. “While we universally dislike litter, we too frequently walk and drive past it without truly recognizing its impact.”
The Lens on Litter contest is open to amateur photographers in two categories: adult and student. Entrants are encouraged to focus their lenses on the not just the litter but also the visual and environmental impacts of litter. Complete contest rules can be found at HERE.
Entries will be accepted until December 31, 2019.
Winners will be selected by a panel of judges representing various anti-litter organizations and initiatives. Cash prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries in the amounts of $500, $250 and $100 respectively.
This year the Lens on Litter contest is sponsored by: Wawa Inc. and Wegmans. “PRC is honored to work with our partners to present this unique opportunity for aspiring artists to use their craft for the good of all Pennsylvanians and our environment,” said Mr. Stockdale.
Photographers can upload entries (limit three per person) at or mail originals to the Pennsylvania Resources Council, 3606 Providence Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073. All entries must contain the following information on the back of the photo: entrant’s name, address, telephone number, email address, title given to photo, location of litter site and how you learned of the contest. If the entry is from a school age child, the school grade and school name must be provided. Photos will not be returned and may be used by PRC at their discretion.
For more information, call the Pennsylvania Resources Council at 610-353-1555
2018 Lens on Litter Winners